7 BLA 180 To: Ralph Disraeli From: Benjamin Disraeli Dec. 9th 1859 |
Private My dearest Ralph. I send you the papers wh: you wanted, wh: have been in my dispatch for a long time. I meant, or rather hoped, to have sent you |
you at the same time a cheque for £155. wh: is the balance, with interest for eleven years, due to you for the sale of some shares under the will - but I find it out of my power |
power at this moment = tho' I trust it will not be long delayed. I have had a sleepless night, & so have you - Language cannot describe what this sudden, & by me never contemplated, catastrophe |
contemplated, catastrophe has produced on me. She was the harbor of refuge in all the storms of my life, & I had hoped she wd. have closed my eyes! Y[ou]r affectionate brother, D. Friday Decr 9. 59 |