16 A/I/A/299 From: Benjamin Disraeli Dec. 17th 1859 inversed: (in MA's hand)
17 Dec 1859 1/4 past one - The same, my dearest wrote this morning: sinking, but fighting for every inch of life - have just gone = it may |
may happen in a moment; it may go on for 24 hours. No suffering, & I think, now, no chance of any. I have not seen her. She is at times quite concious = but seems |
dozing, tho[ugh]' we don't think she is. It was very kind of you, my dearest, to remember our wants. Ralph had not forgotten us, but we all agree your sandwiches are the only
only food for sorrow. May Paget bring aid to you, my darling! Y[ou]r affec[tionate]: D. |