11 D/III/C/382 From: Emily Clubbe Dec. 13th 1859 verso: (in MA's hand) 1859 Decbr Mrs Clubbe |
My dear Mrs Disraeli We are much grieved to hear of Miss Disraeli s illness. I fear from y[ou]r. sad account that there can be no hope, it is a great blessing though that she does not suffer |
much pain it would make it doubly distressing to you all, we shall be very anxious to hear again from you if you have time to write. I will attend to your wishes with regard to the [*] & old Stacey. I fear we shall have a long & trying winter |
Mr. Clubbe writes in & yourself. y[ou]rs very sincerely
Hughenden Vicarage Dec 13th/ 59 |